Please allow 1 to 3 business days for your order to be processed. Once your order is processed & your credit information verified, your order is shipped within 4 business days. Upon shipping, you will be notified by the e-mail address you provide when your order has been shipped along with the tracking information. Please remember that you must be available to sign for your package and it must be the same address as your billing address. Many times this might mean that you have to pick up your package from the post office.
We at Hot hair extensions are very proud of our products and believe in the integrity and quality of our hair. If something isn’t right with your order, please contact us at and let us know what’s bugging you. While we have a strict NO REFUND policy, we do allow for a product exchange within ten days of purchase or receipt on all uncompromised hair or other items still in the original package. To make an exchange, please send your original order via a trackable source to:
Hot hair extensions
11615 93 Street N.W, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T5G1C8